Wednesday, November 23, 2011

ROR - Rule 14 Head-on Situation

Section II – Conduct of vessel in sight of one another

Rule 14 - Head-on Situation

(a) When two power-driven vessels are meeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal courses so as to involve risk of collision each shall alter her course to starboard so that each shall pass on the port side of the other.

(b) Such a situation shall be deemed to exist when a vessel sees the other ahead or nearly ahead and by night she would see the mast head lights of the other in a line or nearly in a line and/or both sidelights and by day she observes the corresponding aspect of the other vessel.

(c) When a vessel is in any doubt as to whether such a situation exists she shall assume that is does exist and act accordingly.

Questions & Answers

Q1. According to the rule, what types of vessels do you need?
A1. 2 power-driven vessels.

Q2. In a head-on situation between 2 power-driven vessels, how do you know it's a head-on situation at night?
A2. Because you would see his masthead light in between his sidelights.

Q3. What action will you take with 2 power-driven vessels in a head-on situation?
A3. Both vessels will sound 1 short blast on the whistle and make an early and bold alteration to starboard.

Q4. What action will you take if you're in a power-driven vessel, and in a head-on situation with a fishing vessel, also what action would the fishing vessel take?
A4. You will sound 1 short blast on the whistle and make an early and bold alteration to starboard, the fishing vessel will stand-on with caution because he is most hampered.

Q5. What action shall two power driven vessel taken to avoid collision when they are meeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal course?
A5. Head-on courses, reciprocal courses or nearly reciprocal courses:

Both alter course to starboard

Only applicable to power-driven vessels

NOT to sailing vessels

You're in a Power-driven vessel and in a head-on situation with one of the following, will you stand-on or giveway to the other vessel and does the other vessel stand-on or giveway also?

Other Vessel                                      what are you going to do?              what's the other vessel
                                                                                                            going to do?
Power-Driven Vessel                           Giveway                                       Giveway
Sailing Vessel                                    Giveway                                       Stand-on with Caution
Fishing Vessel                                   Giveway                                       Stand-on with Caution
Not Under Command (N.U.C.)              Giveway                                       Stand-on with Caution
Restricted in her ability to Manoeuvre    Giveway                                       Stand-on with Caution
Constrained by her Draught                  If the
circumstances of the
                                                         case admit - Giveway                     Stand-on with Caution
Minesweeper                                      Turn 180 degrees and
                                                         for the harbour                                Stand-on with Caution
P.D.V. towing another Vessel              Giveway                                         Giveway
Restricted in her ability to manoeuvre

towing another vessel                          Giveway                                         Stand-on with Caution
Ferry                                                  Giveway                                         Giveway
Supertanker                                        Giveway                                         Giveway
Pilot Vessel                                        Giveway                                         Giveway
High Speed Craft                                 Giveway                                         Giveway
Wig Aircraft Stand-on with Caution        Giveway

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